Steam games for mac on sale
Steam games for mac on sale

steam games for mac on sale

If you’re buying it as a gift, Steam sends it to the recipient’s library immediately. If it’s for personal use, the game goes directly to your library. At the point of purchase, you’re required to declare whether you’re buying the game for your own use or as a gift for some other user. These days, Steam no longer offers an inventory option. This meant it was possible to sell the game by fetching it from your inventory, “gifting” it to another Steam user, and receiving payment from them for it via a third-party service such as Venmo or PayPal. Once you bought a game on the platform, you had the option to add it to your inventory before adding it to your library.

steam games for mac on sale steam games for mac on sale

Has it always been this way? In the past, the rules on Steam were a bit different.

Steam games for mac on sale